Export Distributors

Export Distributors


Delta-Sol bvba

Professional cleaning is equivalent to tspecialized use of high-quality cleaning products with the lowest possible environmental impact. In this sense, DELTA SOL has an established reputation. DELTA SOL offers a wide range of cleaning products for professional use. These offer very wide application possibilities: the transport sector, building cleaning, navigation, etc. But DELTA SOL also supplies products for specific cleaning tasks such as removing the paraffin layer or polymerization of new vehicles. Because the DELTA SOL range meets every cleaning need.

Product development

The entire DELTA SOL product line of over 69 cleaners is produced for us. This is inclined to bring the consumer closer to the producer. DELTA SOL is thus able to react quickly and flexibly to market needs. Product development is therefore a central role in the DELTA SOL production process. A laboratory with modern equipment contributes to the continuous optimization of existing DELTA SOL products and the development of new cleaners for existing and new applications. We call this ‘customer-focused know-how development’.

Strict quality standards to all our export distributors

Export Distributors

Export Distributors

Delta-Sol products are available at our following:

Senebel SARLSociete Autoparts ToyotaSociete Aplha sarl
Parcelles Assainies,10 Unite nr453

Comme de rotoma BP2512
Republique de Guinee
Mr Serigne Mbaye
Mr Amadou Cherif Tall
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